TIME IN THE MARKET: 17 years.

NAME: Freddy Soria, Production Manager and owner of IRMART.

OBJECTIVE: Grow in quality allied with technology. We expect business to improve in the productive sector.

PRODUCTION: 22 – 25 million larvae per run.

17 years producing larva of excellent quality, owner and production manager, it started with 7 tanks in production with intensive densities just to make maquilas.

Currently it has been expanded with 16 tanks, producing 22 to 25 million larvae per run.

This year, due to the pandemic, things went relatively well for us, because we excelled in the production history that allowed us to maintain our customers, our objective is not to grow in quantity, but in quality allied with technology. We expect business to improve in the productive sector.

The quality of our larva we emphasize precision nutrition, with the products we use, we consider it basic for our protocol.