LABORATORY: Naupliulab / Ecuador

LOCATION: La Diablica / Ecuador

TECHNICIAN: José González, with 15 years of experience in the area, 8 years working with Naupliulab and 3 as a technician responsible for production.

PRODUCTION: 30 MM of larvae.

SUVIVAL RATE: average 85%

STOCKING DENSITY: 200 nauplii/l


“In Naupliulab we have as a goal to produce a good quality of larva, so that the shrimp farmer takes a larva that allows him to have a good productivity, because if the shrimp farmer does well, so do we, it is about growing all together in the business”

“We use NeoShrimp in all the mixed stadiums, but in the big stadiums I like to use it alone because the results I get, no other balanced one gives me. It seems to me that its formulation is unique and incomparable, we obtain 150-200 PL/g with stages PL12-PL13”

“Probiotics give us very good results, and cost a fraction of what the competition would cost us”

“We use MegAcid G as a preventative, when there are problems in the area, fortunately these problems do not affect us, because we have our prophylactic protocol”